UpKeep Integration

Extend UpKeep with TextAI

Analyze your maintenance order comments and documentation with Peoplegeist.

  • Automatic Text download
  • Analysis
  • Trouble Shooter
  • Dashboard

How it works

UpKeep can use Peoplegeist Text AI as an addon.

Connect Peoplegeist with your UpKeep login and you can analyze the maintenance work order comments automatically.

Within 24hours you can enjoy pareto charts and trouble shooting guidance based on your maintenance documentation, downtime logs

By adding Peoplegeist to your UpKeep deployment you add a 'Text AI' to your asset management.

About UpKeep

UpKeep is an Asset Operations Management solution that helps businesses scale by giving every Maintenance and Reliability team the tools and information they need to run Operations efficiently and effectively. From your desktop to your phone and even your tablet, UpKeep's CMMS is easily accessible from anywhere at any time.management and CMMS functionality.