FAQ - about Peoplegeist

Questions and answers about how to get started with shiftlog and maintenance text documentation analysis.

What data do I need to start?

All you need is an excel sheet with your maintenance text comments or shift log comments. There is no IT-integration necessary. Copy your existing texts into an excel and use the upload function in the app. After a minute you have a finished pareto chart.

You can upload multiple texts per event too. Problem description and resolution do not need to be in separate fields. Our software will automatically detect the content and sort the statements accordingly.

Can I try it first?

There are two ways to try our solution first. There is the online demo and you can request a test report.

We provide an online demo where you can test the AI's ability to understand your maintenance texts. This online demo is not yet calibrated on your vocabulary and may miss some terms.

You can also request a test-report. Send us an excel with a few hundreds text lines and we run it through our engine and show a test-report. The test-report is great to preview the kind of savings you can get from your logs. Very often we find 15% downtime savings potential within the top 10 issues alone.

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How to start using Peoplegeist?

Do you currently collect digital maintenance logs, service tickets or shift logs? Great. You are ready to start.

After signing up you can send your historic data to us for initial AI training and loading. This lets the software learn your company specific language. This setup is usually completed in <2 weeks.

After that you will find your data ready for you to use. You can continuously add new data through the Excel Importer.

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How to introduce Peoplegeist in my operation

Peoplegeist is a great tool for your existing efficiency improvement process (continuous improvement, lean manager, factory planer, analysts,…). If you don’t have an established process for continuous improvement, it’s easiest to start small with a specific cell / team.

Identify a pilot team that has text-comments and issues that can be resolved within the team. You can use Peoplegeist to identify such a team by filtering for a cell and look at the leading issues in the analysis.

Once the team is comfortable solving team-internal topics, you can expand the usage to cross-team issues.

Contact us to learn more about this approach.

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I have low data quality, that's a problem right?

No. Data is rarely well managed if it wasn’t used. Low data quality is exactly the reason for using Peoplegeist.

Until data is used, the operators or system-teams have little motivation to improve documentation and data management.

Peoplegeist can find insights in sparse and low text-quality situation. Identity a pilot-team and apply Peoplegeist on the existing text-files.

Gain insights and generate usage on the text-comments. The operators are then motivated to document properly and IT-projects to improve data management have a real urgent need to progress.

How do you collect downtime messages?

Peoplegeist does not specialize in data collection but in the analysis. Text comments need to be digital already.

There are however no format requirements. An excel file is enough.

We also work with MES, connected worker apps, smart sheets, electronic shiftbooks, CMMS providers to collect text comments from the shopfloor.

How much does it cost?

Peoplegeist is offered as a cloud SaaS solution.

Yearly licenses are offered per machine or per line. Number of users is unlimited.

The main subscription includes downtime analysis, query, dashboard for team huddles, excel uploader and access to the standard API.

The mobile-phone troubleshooting helper is addon available on top of the main subscription.

Please get in touch with us to get a personalized quote.

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Can you integrate with my MES or OEE Tracker?

Yes you can. We are in contact with a few MES, CMMS and OEE Trackers.

Please get in touch with us to see if we have a ready built connector or an export needs to be ordered.

However, you don’t need a connector. To start using the software, all you need is an Excel export