MPDV MIP Integration

Extend MPDV MIP by TextAI

Analyze your manufacturing comments and documentation with peoplegeist.

  • SSO Login
  • Automatic Text download
  • Analysis
  • Trouble Shooter
  • Employee list sync
  • MIP Marktplatz

How it works

MPDV MIP is a leading manufacturing software platform provider. Peoplegeist can connect with their Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Your employees on MIP can use their MPDV credentials to login with Peoplegeist.

You can browse your documentation stored on MIP from peoplegeist and select which texts you want to analyze.

Peoplegeist automatically downloads your selected texts daily and makes them ready for you to analyze.

Within 24hours you can enjoy pareto charts and trouble shooting guidance based on your maintenance documentation, downtime logs

By adding peoplegeist to your MPDV MIP deployment you add a 'Text AI' to your manufacturing.

About Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP)

The Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP) is an open platform for manufacturing. It serves as a central information and data hub in production, allowing manufacturing companies to combine different applications from various providers as desired 12. The MIP provides a functional infrastructure for the Smart Factory, which offers maximum flexibility to manufacturing companies and ensures a future-proof IT architecture

MIP allows for the creation of Manufacturing Apps (mApps) from different providers that can be combined with each other to create a broad field of IT applications for efficient planning and production 1. The mApps can be used to develop individual solutions based on standard software, integrate existing systems, and create standard solutions by combining available applications 1. The MIP also offers a digital platform for the Smart Factory, which provides a common digital image for manufacturing (Digital Twin) and all related processes