Track Production Stops and get Trouble Shooting tips with Wiki AI GmbH Kiosk

Wiki AI Production Tracker integrates Peoplegeist TextAI and showcases best practice how to leverage AI for your production failure documentation.

Ulrich Höltermann, co-founder of Wiki AI and F&B Expert with more than 40 years of experience, has partnered with Peoplegeist to bring AI directly to the shopfloor.

The new Kiosk complements Peoplegeist’s core capability (manufacturing text analysis) perfectly and brings AI to the shopfloor.

The main functionalities:

  • Ensures production stop tracking directly on the shopfloor
  • Handles operator and technician stop documentation
  • Shows trouble shooting tips in real-time while registering a stop (powered by Peoplegeist Text AI)
  • Live monitoring of your production line
  • Flexible dashboarding including detailed pareto charts (powered by Peoplegeist Text AI)

With Höltermann Consulting experience as F&B production and plant manager he not only delivers the technology but ensures that the right processes and trainings are implemented.

For F&B manager who wants to get more from digital documentation

The new Kiosk was first presented at Anuga FoodTech Köln 2024 where it gathered interest of several large scale F&B manufacturers.

This new module addresses the core challenge of digital manufacturing documentation: It’s hard to use the knowledge in the documentation without Peoplegeist Text AI.

The Kiosk module is an ideal solution for F&B manufacturers who want benefit from their digital documentation.

This module allows F&B manager to record all asset times (production, maintenance, training, etc…), get full documentation with the comments and get the insights needed to improve the production.

No IT Project or PLC Programing needed

As bolt-on Kiosks that can be added to old and new machines, it does not need machine integration or changes to the HMI software.

As a cloud solution, no access to the sensitive machine network is required but only an internet connection.

How to get started

Contact Höltermann Consulting for a free consultation or book directly a demonstration.


Register stop, track downtime, get tips automatically

Connect machines to a line, know the status of the other assets
Live monitor of the line status

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