Peoplegeist TextAI available in Excel for free

Peoplegeist TextAI for Excel creates automatic pareto charts from your manufacturing texts. Analyze maintenance, downtime logs or shiftbook comments and see what problems your team encounters most frequently.

You have a few texts in Excel you want to get a pareto chart of?

Peoplegeist is now available inside Excel as a free-addon.

Peoplegeist for Excel is a simplified version of our TextAI SaaS solution. Just like creating any charts in Excel, you can select your data and click “Analyze” to create your charts.

This Excel add-on is free to use and does not require any accounts or signups.

As you would expect it, you data remains only saved within your Excel file and will not be stored in the cloud.

This add-on is ideal if you have a few lines you want to get a quick summary-view of.

  • Need a quick pareto chart of last week’s incidents?
  • Need a summary for a meeting?

How to get the addon?


The free addon has a few limitations compared to the SaaS version. The biggest one is, that it’s not trained on your company vocabulary, but give it a try and have fun with it.

See how it works


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